how to write affiliate blog-featured imag

If a blog entry is uploaded and gets no readers, can it really be considered a blog post?

Anyone can write a blog entry. However, not everyone has the talent to capture the attention of readers.

Within this article, we’ll examine the art of crafting blog posts that genuinely attract readers.

Let’s Begin the Journey.!

Select Your Blog Post Topic

Discovering a proven topic is important, as it ensures that you are addressing subjects that captivate your audience.

If you know your niche well, identifying such topics shouldn’t be too much of a challenge. You likely already have an array of ideas to explore. Use Google Docs or opt for a traditional notepad to write them all down.

How you can find best topic or keyword to write Blog

  • Just go to Keyword finder tool like SEMrush/Ahrefs/Keyword planner
  • Go to keyword explorer ( if you are using SEMrush then go to Keyword magic tool)
  • Now right you Main keyword like I write Best Laptop
Finding Keywords For Writing Affiliate Blog Post

In this Screen shoot I found a good topic ”Best laptop for Music Production” with easy KD

My Topic

My topic is ”Best Budget Friendly 1TB laptop

Once you’ve selected your topic, the next step is to identify relevant keywords to optimize your content for maximum SEO effectiveness

In the Google Keyword Planner, after logging in, navigate to the “Discover new keywords” section. Then, input your main keyword into the search bar and hit enter.

Using Google keyword planner for SEO keyword finding

This will generate a list of related keywords along with valuable metrics such as search volume, competition level, and suggested bid. Review this list to identify relevant keywords that align with your content goals and target audience

Keyword for 1tb storage laptop

you can find more keywords using other tools

Now you can write your blog using all these keywords by putting them in alt text, body text, also in headings

Analysing Competitor Blogs and Optimizing Keyword Usage

After identifying related keywords with high search volume and low Keyword Difficulty (KD), you should analyse your competitors and other blogs that have written on the same or related topics. Here’s how to proceed:

Competitor Analysis Examine the blogs that rank highly for your chosen keywords.

Note the following:

Content Structure

How is the information organized? What sections do they include?

Here is How You can Write Key Elements - Affiliate blog post design
Here is How You can Write Key Elements

Headings and Subheadings

How do they use keywords in their headings and subheadings?

In this Screenshot I reveal how I write keywords in the main headings & in subheadings

Keyword Usage

Where and how frequently do they incorporate the keywords in the text?

Content Highlights

What key points or unique angles do they emphasize?

Content Comparison

Compare multiple blogs to identify common elements and unique strategies. Focus on:

Depth of Coverage

How thoroughly do they cover the topic?

Multimedia Elements

Do they use images, videos, infographics, or other media?

Internal and External Links

How do they link to other relevant articles or authoritative sources?

SEO Best Practices

Ensure your content adheres to SEO best practices, such as:

This is My SEO, Website Speed, & Website performance score
This is My SEO, Website Speed, & Website performance score

Meta Descriptions

Craft compelling meta descriptions with the primary keyword.

Alt Text for Images

Use descriptive alt text that includes keywords.

URL Structure

Keep URLs short and keyword-rich.

Mobile Optimization

Ensure your content is mobile-friendly.


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We offer services for writing affiliate blogs and provide training on how to write effective affiliate blogs. For inquiries or to place an order, please contact us at

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